Open mic events for poetry

Poetry is one of those branches of literature that only ever seems to get attention in schools, but there is a growing movement of open mic events that are designed to introduce poetry to those who are new to it. These are taking place in all types of locations, from pubs to libraries. For the most part they are free to attend and anyone can go along.

Attendees are welcome to get a slot to read one of the works of their favourite poet or if they are an aspiring poet they can read a work of their own. It takes a little bravery to do this, especially if they’ve never done it before, but the open mic nights are good fun and those who go along will have a night to remember.

Setting up for open mic nights

Anyone running an open mic night will need to have an area where this can take place. This isn’t the same as having a live band, Only a relatively small amount of space is needed to set up a small stage and the audio equipment. A good background is essential. Why not decorate the wall behind the stage with a literature-connected paper from, which features books or even authors. Literature themed wallpaper can set the right tone and is ideal for venues such as bookshops, libraries or even cafes. it is a good idea to set up a permanent space if the intention is to have open mic nights a couple of times a week and is a great place to start for the decor.

Benefits of open mic nights

Poetry enthusiasts consider that open mic nights are a great way to introduce poetry to a whole new audience. They can prove to be a very low cost night out for individuals and it is a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Anyone who wants to host one of these nights might want to consider making the nights themed. Why not have horror poetry at Halloween, or think about a night dedicated to Welsh or Irish poets?

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